Dan Tipping is the Treasurer on the NTMA board. He is the controller at Hale Performance Coatings, Inc. Hale has been a member of NTMA for 5 years. He has been involved in the industry for 2 years. The industry has gained his interest because of the many challenges that it brings and that it requires an enormous amount of flexibility in order to be successful in it. The daily challenges that a business faces in this industry require everyone from the Owner to my position as Controller to the machinist and platers on the floor to be flexible and think outside the box to overcome the challenges presented to them daily. Dan has a bachelor’s degree from the University of Toledo and is a CPA. He is married and I have three children. 2021 is a busy year for my family as my two daughters are getting married this year and my son is graduating from high school. With recently becoming involved with the local chapter, I believe the focus of the chapter should be providing its members value to their membership. This value could come in various forms such as providing apprentices to their labor force through an apprenticeship program, host member meetings where relevant industry topics are presented to the membership and networking events where ideas can be shared and possible solutions provided to the member companies regarding challenges that they may face.